Saturday, October 27, 2007

More about me.

Well, one big thing about me that you can't tell from either my picture or my previous blog is that I love the Lord. Some people seem to think that telling people of my love for Jesus is preaching, and that preaching should only be done from behind a pulpit, but I believe that in a place like this, where the whole point is to describe myself in words used in other ways, that it is appropriate, and even more than that, necessary to focus on my love for God in order for anyone to truly understand who I am and what I'm about. Sometimes I feel like I want to stray away from being labeled as a Christian, but then I realize that that's all that I am. If I threw that label away, then all that would be left would be my ignorant, unsuccessful attempts at being important, or well liked, or something else equally sought after. If that is not something you value or find important, then I can guarantee you won't find anything worthwhile in me, because I place my value in the Lord. I trust Him to guide my steps and to constantly bring me closer to Him and to His plan and purpose for me, which I am constantly seeking. I try to trust Him with every step, not just with the final destination. I value people who value Him...and don't hide it in order to be accepted by the world. Slowly but surely I realize that I'm not a quiet unnoticable individual, but instead a radically different activist for Christ. And that's something about activists, they aren't ashamed of what they stand for.

My picture

I'm doing this just to post a pic on my site.

Hello, world!

Round and round in circles we go....haha, who am I kidding?!?! There's no we, just me today! But that's just the way I like it sometimes. Quiet, gives me time to think. Sometimes when I'm alone I get bored and therefore by default catch up on stuff that I've left hanging during my more busy moments. And even if I don't actually get stuff done, I usually think about lots of stuff(haha, not the same thing, I know). Sometimes my thoughts are deeper than others. I have to say, though, they've been pretty deep today. Lately I've been plagued with thoughts of the future, brought on partly, I'm sure, by the fact that I'm so close to finishing school and therefore entering the "adult" world. And of course, there's the possible 800 mile move "home"(definitely a hard word to define) always looming in front of me. But yeah, thoughts of whether the direction I'm heading is the right direction. Thoughts which then lead me to wonder if there is really even a right direction? Because I can very honestly say that a stable job in the normal "adult" world that I mentioned earlier is definitely NOT what I long for. Haha, sometimes I think I'm just really abnormal, but I guess if that's true, then that's what makes me who I am, so I should embrace it, right?
I'm practical to a fault, that's my problem. It's almost funny. What I long for, I won't go into details about that today, is probably an unreliable life where I'm living creatively and doing the one thing I really love. But it's so in opposition of my practical side.

Whoa, didn't mean to get so deep today. It's only my first blog on here...I guess a more appropriate first blog would have introduced me and not my inner longings, lol. But, oh, well, just another example of my abnormalities, I guess. I've got a football game to go to...gotta get ready. Thanks for reading.